Christian Artists Seminar
Program 2019 Seminar info About CA Photos and videos

Social dialogue

The key part of every year’s CA Seminar is the morning plenum. Here we discuss the REALITY of every day’s life for creative people (artists, singers, dancers, cultural workers, composers, writers, filmers, painters, etc). How is the real world of work? How can we survive? How about sufficient income? How safe is your work? The many hours, away from home? Wrestling with understanding and support? What about insurance, retirement? What is your support system?

The need to be part of trade-unions and what are their strategies needed for you? Added value comes from understanding society, improving your personal qualities and being part of the right associations, actors in the civil society. This is very needed as society becomes more fragmented and employers change into short-term worksuppliers. The social dialogue will help you to know, what to do in a world full of flex. This part of the CA Seminar is so important, that this is realised since 1991 with the help of EZA and EU.

Go to page Theme for more info on this years subject.