Christian Artists Seminar
Program 2019 Seminar info About CA Photos and videos

Taking your place and giving space as a guitarist in a band

Language the workshop will be taught:

We scheduled the workshop as follow:
Shift 2 - 14.00 – 15.30
Date: 29.07 & 30.07

Maximum number of participants: 15

The needed artistic level of this workshop is: average/advanced/professional/pre-academic

The skills criteria for participants to follow this workshop are: average/advanced/ professional/pre-academic

Participants will have learned after doing this workshop:
To make your participation in a band as creative and tasteful as possible. Furthermore, how to be a team player.

What materials/equipment/other things participants need to bring to be able to do this workshop: Guitar + amp

Content of this workshop:
The workshop deals with different ways to take your place as a guitarist and it addresses
different ways to play a part in a band. We’ll learn to understand the role of other
musicians and how they affect you. We will also look at arrangement ideas from this point
of view.