Christian Artists Seminar
Program 2019 Seminar info About CA Photos and videos


The MASTERCLASS Cultural Leadership will be given 2x per year. This very special course starts september 1 and on februari 1. The workload is 1 evening per week (2 hours) and will have a duration of 4  months. It will take you through very important contents, opening the doors to become a LEADER in the culture of your city, region or nation. All lectures have been tested in practice (so it is not ‘theory’).
The content comes from the major experiences of chairman Leen La Rivière during his 50 years of professional work in many aspects of the arts and culture. He wrote 28 books, developed links with cultural partners, trade unions, arts organizations, political parties, umbrella organizations all accross Europe and was a succesfull cultural entrepeneur: staging hundreds of events with music, visual arts, the performing arts, communication arts (from small scale till stadiums).

If you want to take part, mail to: