Christian Artists Seminar
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Conclusions of the subjects 1987

Theme 1987: The practical questions

This Christian Artists week had each day a plenairy meeting in the format of a plenum. These plenums were done by key speaker John Smith (from Australia). This seventh  year was  related to making more concrete what in previous seminars has been discussed as real and needed (personal) foundations.

John Smith is a thinker, founding father of Gods’s squad (motorbikers), speaker and writer. He is raising the practical questions: so if you believe and when you are an artists. What does that mean?

  1. So there is a real challenge to put in practise  what we have learned about biblical foundations. And here we touch some very important issues reaised by Jesus in matthew 5, matthew 25 and the letter of James: social responsability, (social) justice, the poor, the marginalised.
  2. An essential question deals with the challenge of a call. What is a call? A Call of God, a call to become followers(disciples) of Jesus Christ, a call to become active in the arts or in any other walk of life.. But everybody has as well a call to live, to share, to be part of any local community, village, city. God calls us into the marketplace, the media, into the real world! And here we should be recognised as persons who stand up for justice, doing the right things, for true acts of compassion and solidarity.
  3. The vision of Leen La Rivière will have impact: Europe, our target. Details of this were discussed and put in practise. One aspect is that other arts are now part of CA, so we saw the first visual art forms appearing, the first exposition. And this section will keep on growing.