Christian Artists Seminar
Program 2019 Seminar info About CA Photos and videos

Council and board

The “Old” Council finished their work with the move in 1994 from a large seminar to a high quality symposium, smaller in numbers. Because of the start of the new association, this board was enlarged and was asked to make proposals for the content, size, direction etc. of the upcoming symposia. (N.B. The concept of the CA-Seminar/Symposium is owned by the foundation Christian Artists, which acts merely as ‘guardian angel’ for content and finances. This foundation has a board: Leen La Rivière, Ria La Rivière and Marinus den Harder. This CA-foundation (Stichting Christian Artists) owns the name, concept and logo, all registered properly at the European trade mark office.
The board has advisors: Leo Pauwels (former EZA president), Joachim Herudek (former EZA gemeral-secretary), Magiel La Rivière (former CA managing-director).)

The members of the CA-Council
Leen La Rivière, chairman (1990 - present); Rita Hulsman, vicepresident (1990 - 1992); Britt Wikström (1990 - 2004); Luis Alfredo Diaz (1990 - 1998); Francis Méan (1992 - 1994); Steve Fairney† (1992 -1993); Geoffrey Stevenson (1990 - present); Bill Angel (1993 - 1998); Natasja Visser (1993 - 1996); Kees Schrijver (1993 - 1994); Dave Bruce (1990 - 1994); Ingemar Olsson (1990 - 1996); Helmut Jost (1990 - 1999); Ria La Rivière (1990 - 19992015 - present); Marta Jakobovits (1999 - 2010);  Arto Vuorela(1999 - 2003); An Knaeps † (1994 - 2008); Sanja Knotek (1999 - 2003); Dale Chappell (1998 - present); Herman Spaargaren (1994 - 1999); Thea Fontein (1994 - 2003); Asukulu Mulengwa (1999 - 2010); Don Grigg (1999 - 2014; Filemon Kaloterakis† (2002 - 2005); Dick Le Mair (2003 - 2009); Ruben Wautier (2003 - 2005); Karen Underwood (2003 - 2008); Francis Méan (2006 - 2010); Jason Carter (2006 - 2011); Peter Smith (2009 - 2013); Ruben Bekx (2010 - 2014); Desiree van Drongelen (2010 - 2017); Richard Hughes (2010 - 2017); Judith Stevenson (2010 - present); Teddy Liho (2013 - present); Claire Kowalczyk (2015 - present).
The council has advisors: Klaus André Eickhoff (2015 - present); Heike Wetzel (2015 - present); Paul Yates (2015 - present).

Every member represents a section of the arts (music, performing, visual). Since 1994 member organizations can propose new council members who are elected for a minimum of 4 years. In bold the present boardmembers.

Let us remember
†Ron Kennedy, died 16 April 1991 (member of honour and CA-pastor)
†Steve Fairnie, died 22 February 1993 (member of honour and special advisor)
†Larry Hogan, died 1 November 1998 (member of honour and council member)
†Erwin Stieb, died 3 November 2000 (member of honour and council member)
†An Knaeps, died 28 February 2013 (member of honour and board member)
†Filemon Kaloterakis, died 15 January 2014 (member of honour and council member)
†Ian Groth, died 27 August 2014 (member of honor)
†John Peck, died 1 july 2016 (member of honour)

Special honour

  • October 16th 1999: Leen La Rivière became knight by H.R.M. the Queen of the Netherlands as Knight in the Order of Oranje-Nassau, because of his notable contributions, innovative projects, shaping of the culture.
  • April 7th, 2003: Ria La Rivière became a member of the Order of Oranje-Nassau, because of her notable contributions in the field of culture and the voluntary work.