Christian Artists Seminar
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Conclusions of the subjects 1984

Theme 1984: Our biblical foundations

This Christian Artists week had each day a plenairy meeting in the format of a Forum. On stage appr. 8 leading artists from different nations and a moderator putting the questions to them and opening for debate with the participants. SOME plenums were done by key speaker Floyd McClung. This fourth  year was more in dept based on the some part of the conclusions and themes of 1982 and 1983: the need for a biblical foundation..

  1. The purpose of the plenums with speaker Floyd McClung was not to develop our own theology. But to enter in a better understanding of the need for biblical foundations for a private life.
  2. As it became clear that there are artists with a real difficulty with their home church, CA makes time to have this speaker walk through the biblical foundations for your personal life. Why are we otherwise a ‘christian’ artist?
  3. A Christian Artist is never at war with any church. The CA organization is a true oecumenical organization and stands in good faith with every type of church/denomination. CA has NOT and will NEVER create a counter theology as answer to questions of churches. CA accepts fully the historical reasons why denominations exists and will work in an open attitude with any denomination. This is done in the full understanding that we are TOGETHER the ‘body of Christ’. Even wit hall possible studies or knowing of matters is partial. That is why CA embraces any believer as brother and sister.
  4. The decision is made that at the Christian Artists Seminar we will NOT ask anybody about  his/her church membership. We want to avoid any devision in this body of Christ, because He is our Lord and He brings us all together from all the corners of Europe.
  5. A Christian artist has a role in his church.  CA encourages every christian artist to participate in the life of their church, home group or bible study group. They are your spiritual family.
  6. CA encourages each artist to be serious about his/her spiritual life. We can not walk the road of our call unless we work on our deper life, meaning of life, our faith
  7. As Christian artists does not believe and will accept that our Europe is in 2 pieces by the Iron Curtain all have welcomed the participants coming from Eastern Europe. Financial help to make this possible came from several organizations (especially Continental Sound) and individuals. As well from those nations, they are part of Gods family! And CA will keep this doing for the next years, as the mission of CA deals with all of Europe.
  8. Welcomed is the growing section of performing arts: dance, theatre, mime, etc.